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비극 창작법 영어로


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  • tragedy
  • 비극    비극 [悲劇] (a) tragedy; a tragic drama.
  • 작법    작법 [作法] how to write[compose]. 시나리오 ~ how to write scenarios.
  • 비극    비극 [悲劇] (a) tragedy; a tragic drama. 가정의 ~ a domestic tragedy. ~적(인) tragic / tragical. ~적 사건 a tragic affair / a tragedy. ~적 장면 a tragic scene. 전쟁이 남긴 ~적인 상처 a tragic legacy left behind by the war.
  • 창작    창작 [創作] [새로이 만들어 냄] creation; [작품] a creative work; [소설] a novel; [저작] production; [소설 쓰기] story[fiction] writing; a story; fiction. ~적인 creative / original. ~에 종사하다 engage in writing a creative[an
  • 소작법    cautery; cauterization
  • 조작법    manual
  • 모방작법    copying; imitation
  • 소총 따위 조작법    manual
  • 영화 제작법    cinema; celluloid; footage
  • 영화제작법    cinema
  • 복수 비극    Revenge plays
  • 비극 배우    tragedian
  • 비극 작가    tragedian
  • 비극의    unfortunate; very sad; calamitous; disastrous; tragic
  • 삼비극    trilogy
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